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People are the core of every business. Meet our founding members.
Petr Vaclavek, Founder and CEO
Petr is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience across Europe and the Middle East. An innovator, venture builder, strategist, serial startup founder, creative leader, author of unexpectedly successful campaigns, speaker, biohacker, longevity researcher, podcaster, musician and traveler: "The biggest privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. Because only then you can choose a job that you love and never have to work a day in your life. And that's exactly what I do. My Ikigai."

Radim Slachta, Co-founder and COO
Radim is a scientist who worked at the Faculty of Physical Culture, where his research focused on the application of SA HRV in sport and the impact of exercise on health and lifestyle. Author of the original algorithm for the unique mySASY application. Since 2012, he has been the head of the Agel Sport Clinic sports and preventive medicine center, where the SA HRV methodology has become one of the basic components of the diagnosis of recreational and elite athletes. Serial startup founder, experienced entrepreneur in residence, a passionate explorer who in his spare time, he does everything he can to remain an active sport climber.

Vrata Kalenda, Co-founder and CTO
The legendary CTO who's first business started nine years ago literally in a garage. Eventually they grew to a company of over 200 people and became Deloitte Fast Tech 50 company. Applifting is one of the fastest growing companies in the Czech Republic and Central Europe and its success is based, among other things, on the principle of complete openness. Last year, Applifting also started to conquer the UK with its turquoise strategy.

Filip Kirschner, Co-founder and CHO
Filip sees the world through turquoise glasses. As co-founder of Applifting, he is behind the idea of the turquoise company, which is based on a change in thinking, corporate culture and leadership principles. For example, it does not envisage a classical hierarchical structure. In IT, the Tribe model of agile development methodology is close to it in some ways, but here the final responsibility still remains with a single "commander" of the team. In contrast, in a turquoise company, not only the founders but also the employees have an influence on its direction. It requires complete trust in colleagues and at the same time a high level of responsibility on their part. "But I can't imagine a company with more than four levels of hierarchy wanting to go 'turquoise'. The more stratification and rules, the more difficult the transition and the ability to leave those processes behind," adds Filip.
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